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Guitar chords. Use the tags on the left to filter accordingly. Browse files here.

Updated 3 months ago by Andre



Trumpet hymns: browse files here.

Updated 3 months ago by Andre



Trumpet music: browse files here.

Updated 3 months ago by Andre



Trumpet practice: browse files here.

Updated 3 months ago by Andre



MuseScore is the world's most popular notation app for creating, playing and printing sheet music...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre



Trumpet carols: browse files here.

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Top Secret

Youth Group

A study meant to be run over at weekend, at a youth camp, which challenges us as to what our rela...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

God continues to speak but are we listening?


I have been wrestling with the fact that considering we live in a so-called enlightened and liber...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Hot-air Balloons

Youth Group

Cut off the the bottom corners (as indicated by the dotted lines below) of four pieces of tissue ...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Motor Rally

Youth Group

This activity requires a number of drivers. The drivers don't do any of the work (and are not all...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Living What We Believe


This weekend was indeed a challenging, encouraging and refreshing time with Anton Bosch. While I...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Wealth and God's economy


Just a short thought regarding the following verse that I read the other day. Matthew 11:5The bl...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Uncertain Riches


It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honoured in that world where his ...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Opinion: God's work or man's?


The following has caused me to consider modern day, "outreach" or "ministry" and to ask, "Is this...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Who am I following? Who am I serving?


For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us (Isaia...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre



All heresy is either the Bible plus, or the Bible minus. - Lewis S. Chafer (1871-1952)

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Read The Book


God has condescended to become an author, and yet people will not read his writings. There are ...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Story-telling and Christ


I was recently grieved in my spirit to learn that the Western church was going to use the latest ...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Pleading for the lost


If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, ...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre

Strong Faith


To learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid ...

Updated 3 months ago by Andre